Providing Quality Care

Often patients question the need for follow up visits particularly in this day and age of easy online access to lab results that many clinics offer. We historically have not offered this service for a simple reason. We find that it does not generate quality patient care.There are many elements that go into a personal visit with our physicians that may not be immediately apparent. First of all, you are not “just another patient” to us. We strive to have a deep understanding of what has brought you to your current health state and what is needed to restore health and balance. So when we sit down with you to review labs we have a context that we are interpreting your labs from that is much broader than most providers offer as we look at the whole person. We are not just thinking of your health from the symptom that you presented with but all of you, body, mind and spirit.One of the principals of Naturopathic medicine is that of Docere, doctor as teacher. Teaching clients about their health and ways to improve it is core to our medicine. It has been our experience that when you sit with a client and review labs that understanding helps motivate clients to make changes. There is that “Ah ha” moment that allow the shift in behavior or lifestyle. The other benefit is that it often elicits further personal or family medical history that is important to overall care. So we will continue to advocate for that personal one to one relationship we have with clients.  Teaching clients and treating the whole person is our work and our passion.By Paris Preston, ND


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